- Zain Bhikha
- Lyrics: Zain Bhikha,Yaman Helmi
- Duration: 05:27 language: English, Arabic
- Lyrics:
- When dusk descends on a crimson sky
- When truth reveals a million lies
- From the ashes there will rise
- A phoenix once was Palestine
- Take their lives, takes their homes
- Steal their land, break their bones
- Kill those babies, silent screams
- No more children’s broken dreams
- No more mothers, no more fathers
- Where’s our Palestinian brothers
- Just go on your rage and ravage
- It’s just your collateral damage
- Never look back
- Just part of your plan
- Selling your souls
- The worlds gone cold
- When dusk descends on a crimson sky
- When truth reveals a million lies
- From the ashes there will rise
- A phoenix once was Palestine
- Occupy then demonise
- Human freedom you deny
- They not people, you decide
- Starve and torture watch with pride
- Taking over, colonise
- Stand upon that broken child
- Where’s your conscience, where’s your honour
- Cowardly you run for cover
- Underneath your kevlar armour
- From a child with sticks and rubber
- In his heart he holds a fire
- All he knows is this is Gaza
- Home he loves, can’t run away
- While genocide, is taking place
- When dusk descends on a crimson sky
- When truth reveals a million lies
- From the ashes there will rise
- A phoenix once was Palestine
- Normalise / hypothesize
- But you’re the victim every time
- Build your walls with rock and stone
- Hide behind your iron dome
- Make your victims terrorists
- Sell your lies, so ludicrous
- Leaders show their ignorance
- All yellow bellies, impotent
- But there’s no peace but what justice brings
- And freedom is so imminent
- When dusk descends on a crimson sky
- When truth reveals a million lies
- From the ashes there will rise
- A phoenix once was Palestine
- مِنَ الرَّمَادِ نَحْيَا نَعِيْش
- Out from the ashes, we live, we live.
- مِثْلَ الْعَنْقَاءِ مِنَ الْلَا شَي
- Like the phoenix from nothing.
- فِيْ سَمَاءِ الْغَاصِبِيْنَ نَسْمُوْ وَ نَعْلُوْ جَاهِدِيْن
- In the sky of the oppressors, we rise up above, striving.
- بِالرُّوْحِ نَفْدِيْ فَلَسْطِيْن
- With spirit, we sacrifice for Palestine.
- وَالنَّصْرُ فِيْنَا سَيَحِيْن
- And victory within us is drawing near.
- When dusk descends on a crimson sky
- When truth reveals a million lies
- From the ashes there will rise
- A phoenix once was Palestine